Finishing Week 5 Dr. Susan taught the students about the Prevention of Gum Disease and Good Dental Hygiene. The photo of Khow Taik's patient with dental caries and gum infection certainly substantiated her lesson. She also spent some time discussing gout, which is on the rise worldwide. Dr. Susan showed some impressive photos of "gouty tophi".
Nurse Lynda gave a refresher on cleanliness and disease prevention, which included a review of Parasites. She gave each student a nail care kit to remind them of good hand hygiene and the fact that pesky worm eggs often stick under the nails. The students were asked to role play on the subject of cleanliness with the express purpose of educating the villagers. As is often the norm, the students were excellent teachers, using creative skits and puppets to make their case for cleanliness.
When it is Friday afternoon, the end of a long week of instruction, with the sun shining brightly and the temperature nearly 95 degrees, teaching and listening become difficult. So what is the solution? Play games!!
Not wanting to lose precious teaching time, all games were educational. The students played "Missing Matchup", a game that matches medical conditions and their correlating symptoms. Dividing into 4 teams, we played "Who Wants to be a Barefoot Doctor?" The competition was fierce. After spinning a wheel to select an easy, moderate or difficult question team members conferred to give their "best answer." Points were awarded for correct answers and and two teams ended with a tie. The instructors provided a "bonus" question to break the tie, but at this writing the game must be continued. Both of the two teams answered the bonus questions correct! It is rewarding to see them working together and coming up with right answers.
It was a wonderful weekend at the Kalnin Conference Center. Dr. Jim Buie delivered the message on Sunday entitled "When Trouble Comes." The Barefoot Doctors led in music worship and communion. Special guests were Paul and Mary Lois Ferraro from Denver. Paul is chairman of the board for FLC. A surprise Presentation, complete with cake and gifts, was made following lunch in honor of Paul and Mary Lois to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary and many years of service to FLC. Daniel Kalnin's daughter, Sonia and her family, were on present for the event. CONGRATULATIONS PAUL and MARY LOIS!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Packing it in... and Packing it up
The rest of the afternoon was spent on what we are calling Anatomical Felt Art. The students were divided into three groups and began to construct a human body with all the anatomical parts out of felt. Using one member of their group they traced the body outline and starting adding organ systems. We hope you enjoy the pictures of their work.
Packing it up for the night! Thank you for your prayers and support.
Packing it in.... and packing it up
Wednesday morning Dr. Jim reviewed the Respiratory System and spent time teaching the most effective way to make a case presentation. His "17 year old patient" had a runny nose and asthma. It seems she is allergic to her new cat. Bye-bye kitty! Much emphasis has been placed on the importance of the history in the patient exam. Dr.Bjorn led the afternoon session as four students presented their reports on their assigned medicines.
Khaw Taik gave his case presentation on a six year old boy with severe dental caries and diesease. It seems his parents run a small market and he has been eating more than his share of the candy. This is a good illustration of how effective it has been to have the students take photos and bring them back the following year to share and gain more information and instruction.
Dr. Susan, Lynda and Melissa went trekking through the surrounding neighborhood on Wednesday and met an elderly Thai woman who invited them into her home. Lynda, being a public health nurse in Canada, soon had Dr. Susan examining the woman. Good Job gals!
Packing with a Capital "P" was on the docket for Wednesday evening as the students spread out all over the Ferraro hall and began to package their supplies from project cure. Timothy, one of our translators, left this am to travel home preparing to receive the boxes a few at a time in preparation for the students arrival there next week.
Packing it in . . . Packing it up
It is truly amazing what has been "packed in" during the past few days. To start the week off Ahdang "packed" up his wife, Kono, and left for Chiang Mai Hospital where Kono delivered their son, Pong Pong. Ahdang is the maintenance officer at the conference center and Kono helps in the kitchen and dorm. We are all so excited to have a newborn at the center. They arrived back this Thursday afternoon.
Dr. Susan opened up the Tuesday morning teaching session continuing her discussion of common sicknesses. Hepatitis, arthritis and back pain and seizures were the main topics. She then showed some impressive photos of gouty tophi. The students have seen Gout in Myannmar and Dr. Susan discussed identification, symptoms and treatment.
Dr. Susan opened up the Tuesday morning teaching session continuing her discussion of common sicknesses. Hepatitis, arthritis and back pain and seizures were the main topics. She then showed some impressive photos of gouty tophi. The students have seen Gout in Myannmar and Dr. Susan discussed identification, symptoms and treatment.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Final Day for Three of our Instructors
Posted Monday, February 16, 2015
On Friday afternoon we said our goodbyes to Dr.Joe Nawrocki,
Dr. Janet Warren and Anita Terry RN, wishing them safe journeys back to North
America. It was a great privilege to
work alongside them and glean from their medical expertise.
The student’s
particularly appreciated the mental health emphasis and teaching by Dr. Warren
(see her previous blog). Dr. Warren
effectively communicated the need for counseling in addition to physical care
of the patient.
Here is a picture of Anita Terry, Melissa Fonseca, and Dr. Janet Warren.
Taking advantage of Anita Terry’s nursing skills before she left, Friday morning the students reviewed and practiced taking vital signs. Anita also gave a brief discussion on diabetes followed by instruction on their new glucometers. Each student performed the “almost painless” finger stick and we are happy to report 100% normal glucose tests.
Here is a picture of Anita Terry, Melissa Fonseca, and Dr. Janet Warren.
Taking advantage of Anita Terry’s nursing skills before she left, Friday morning the students reviewed and practiced taking vital signs. Anita also gave a brief discussion on diabetes followed by instruction on their new glucometers. Each student performed the “almost painless” finger stick and we are happy to report 100% normal glucose tests.
Dr. Nawrocki left the students with much information to
ponder on the Urinary System and First Aid.
The input of these health professionals is invaluable to this program.
A short field trip on Saturday was arranged by FLC and the
students and teachers made their way up the mountain to Bhubing Palace, the royal
winter residence of the King of Thailand.
Interestingly, the trip itself became a health care worker’s lesson in
the care of patients who are stricken with motion sickness.L A stroll through the beautiful rose gardens
and water features was good medicine.
And a wonderful picnic prepared by the kitchen staff was enjoyed by
(almost) everyone.
Week 5 of the Barefoot Doctor School has officially begun
and the morning started with student, Ram Tang, giving a case presentation of
one of his patients. The cameras that
the students received last year have given us the opportunity to see firsthand
the faces of many of their patients. The
patient is thought to have TB and his case generated much discussion about his
diagnosis, care and treatment. The case
presentations allow for input from the current instructors and advise about
follow up and continued care. Dr. Nilson
suggested that Ram Tang accompany his patient to the nearest clinic on his
return and have him tested, and if positive, treated for TB. Other diagnoses were considered and
treatments discussed.
Dr. Jim Buie followed with an “eye opening” lecture on the
anatomy, physiology and diseases of the human eye. The students practiced their eye exams on
each other and received glasses to help those with myopia (nearsightedness) and
sunglasses to help in the prevention of cataract. It has been emphasized by Dr. Nilson and the
other instructors this term that the students must practice good health
themselves as they prepare to teach others to follow them in doing so.
Arriving from Canada
this weekend, Dr. Susan Parker jumped right in teaching her first session Monday
afternoon on “Common Illnesses” and their treatments. The list, being quite exhaustive, is “to be
continued” on Tuesday morning.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Blog Post by Dr. Janet Warren
Dr. Janet Warren shared her reflections on this week of teaching...
This past week, along with teaching on children’s health,
urology, family planning and infectious diseases, students have had some
intensive teaching and practice in basic counseling skills. In many of their
villages, addictions (heroin especially) and post-traumatic stress are common.
Students requested some extra teaching during their evening
devotionals. Using the story of the Good Samaritan, I talked about how Jesus
modeled counseling by listening, not judging, and by asking many questions of
those he taught.
We discussed the importance of affirmation, empathy and
encouragement, reading body language, and guiding people to their own solution
rather than giving them advice. We also discussed the similarities between
evangelism and counseling in terms of relationship building.
Students especially enjoyed role plays and volunteered
readily. They were somewhat reluctant to give feedback regarding improvement,
but in general were very open and keen to learn. In one role play, we
demonstrated how to defuse an angry person (along with biblical teaching that
anger is okay, but not if acted upon sinfully), in another, how to counsel
someone in grief, and in another I taught relaxation and breathing techniques.
Students asked appropriately skeptical questions:
“This is easy now but when I really see an addict it is
going to be difficult.”
“Someone may get angry if I ask too many questions.”
I emphasized the importance of self-care, having a mentor,
and setting limits.
As this is a passion of mine, I enjoyed the opportunity to
teach about counseling as well as how to integrate Christian faith with medical
care. I was also challenged in translating (culturally and linguistically) my
knowledge and experience.
Here is a picture of Dr. Warren singing a song for everyone.
Once again, we thank God for all the wonderful instructors
who voluntarily come at their own expenses to teach our students in Chiang Mai.
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