We may be close to the end, but we are far from done! Monday and Tuesday morning we continued with the students case presentations and reports on their assigned medicines.
Monday after Dr. Susan covered the Health and Sicknesses of Older People, including stroke, insomnia, hypertension and gallbladder disease; Nurse Lynda taught a session on Healing without Medicines, for conditions such as minor coughs, colds and diarrhea. "Sometimes, clean water for prevention and treatment does as much good as medicine," said Lynda.
Monday dinner the instructors invited the students and kitchen staff to our 2nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner. We cooked and served spaghetti (with gluten-free pasta), garlic bread, tossed salad with Ranch Dressing and Coca Cola. Following dinner and devotions we enjoyed an evening of singing, games and laughter (did you know that you could laugh in any language?).
Tuesday and Wednesday
emphasis was placed on reviewing medications. Dr. Bjorn, Dr. Susan and Dr. Jim each covered four of the 24 medications the students are receiving. It is imperative that they understand what the drug is used for, how and when to administer it and the duration and side effects. The medications cost $10,000.00 U.S. dollars and Dr. Bjorn has offered a challenge-he will donate the first $1,000.00 with a donor match of $1,000.00 from nine others. Perhaps, you would prayerfully consider this challenge.
We will also be purchasing five new cameras for the students who don't own one. It has been an unbelievable teaching tool, as the students take photos of their patients and present cases complete with a visual picture. (If you feel that $1,000.00 is a little steep, but would like to contribute, the cameras are $60.00).
Tuesday afternoon Dr. Susan and Nurse Lynda once again split the teaching session. Dr. Susan had some very interesting information on the problem of addiction, complete with slides and statistics. Dr. Susan was able to find the AA 12 step program in Burmese. Nurse Lynda facilitated an informative visual power-point
They are acquainted with smoking, drug use, sexual promiscuity and alcohol. They also recognize the great need in Myannmar for the Lord. It is their prayer that as they address the problems of addiction, that they may also see many come to Christ.
Nurse Lynda facilitated an interactive discussion with the students on the emotional needs of patients and family dealing with chronic illness, particularly HIV/AIDS. It was agreed that grief takes many forms. Loss of Life, limb, job and perfect health cause pain that medicine cannot fix. Lynda gave the students an interactive exercise in role play, addressing real life scenarios - a father who lost his wife, a friend sharing with another about her HIV positive test results, etc. Students learned what to say and how to say it, as well as what not to say.
Mee Pwe responded later, "it was a very helpful session. I feel more confident now in dealing with situations like this. Before, I didn't understand my role as a counselor, but now I do.
Than Zaw Oo and Yawhan graciously volunteered to be Dr. Jim's patients on Wednesday afternoon to demonstrate the physical exam. San San Win took Than Zaw Oo's vital sign's and all of the students modeled the head and neck exam. They each had the opportunity to use their new otoscopes to check the ear of their neighbor. Dr. Jim had a "real life" patient when Nangbey, a Kalmin staff member, sat in for the thyroid exam. Nangbey has a thyroid goiter which she developed after her first pregnancy.
It is imperative to interrupt this blog to bring you some most important news. Real time is Friday morning and the result of the final exam are in...
The class average-93%!!!!!! Six students scored 100%
Returning to the regularly scheduled blog...
Dr. Susan and Dr. Jim continued the P.E. with examination of the abdomen.
You might notice something a little odd while Dr. Susan is using Yawhan as her patient(:
On Thursday, the students once again reviewed medications with Dr. Jim discussing asthma and its necessary treatment.
Thursday evening following dinner goodbyes began with the students presenting gifts from their local area to all the instructors, Paul and Mary Lois Ferraro and Melissa and Jodi.