It is a normal occurrence here at the Barefoot Doctors School to have to say goodbye to new friends and old. All of them have become dear to us and to our students, and so when the moment comes that they must leave the KLC, it is difficult.
Just in the two weeks I have been here, we have said goodbye to Dr. Bjorn Nilson, Dr. Susan Parker, Lynda Audia, Dr. Jim and Gayle Buie, Rick and Alice Astone, and now Paul Bergquam.
Jung is always the gracious host who expresses so well the gratitude of Frontier Labourers for Christ and his staff. The students also pick someone to convey their thanks and someone else to present to the instructor gifts as beautiful tokens of their gratitude.
Here are a few of these goodbyes, bitter-sweet as they may be. We are grateful for the deep friendships we form at the Barefoot Doctor School.
Dr. Bjorn Nilson, Medical Director |
Dr. Bjorn Nilson |
Lynda Audia and Dr. Susan Parker |
Dr. Jim and Gayle Buie |
Gayle Buie |
Rick and Alice Astone |
Rick and Alice Astone |
Paul Bergquam |
Paul Bergquam |
We have many, many dedicated and selfless instructors who came to teach the Class of 2016. We thank God for ALL of them!
Here is the list, straight from our Graduation Program:
Bjorn Nilcon, MD; Charles Steinberg, MD; David Brumwell, MD; Cyril Thomas, PA; Joseph Nawrocki, MD; Jim Buie, MD; Gayle Buie, RN; Rick Astone, PT; Alice Astone, DPT; Susan McDowell, MD; Jove Graham, MD; Jeff Kornelsen, MD; Lynda Audia, RN, BScN; Janet Warren, MD; Anita Terry, RN; Linda Webster (mPower); David Crist, CHE; Joana Geiger, CHE; Beverley Kalnin; Pastor Rich Peterson, Pastor Simon Percy, Pastor Jim Winter, Pastor Ian Rees, Pastor Jon Ulm, Pastor Bob Johnson, Pastor Paul Bergquam, Jodi Pyles.