Today we were able to get a jump start on the Carpentry Class which is scheduled for Saturday the 10th. We started early because the church family has a wedding on Saturday afternoon, so we are going to cut the Carpentry Class short that day. Jon will also spend some time with them Friday night because they have a special carpentry project they are going to make for the Barefoot Doctors building.

We taught them some very basic things this afternoon and evening, after their Bible courses. We showed them how carpentry takes into consideration some of the dynamics and principles of the world God made. This includes the law of gravity which pushes everything downward. We learned how to keep things "on the level" and how to use a plumb line, too.

We taught them how to measure boards to get accurate measurements, and then we taught them how to cut on the line to get the board the desired length. Measure twice, cut once! You can see how much they enjoyed the class.

I'm including a picture of this cute little boy which keeps popping up everywhere. Actually, he is the son of one of our Barefoot Doctor students. Since his mother is pregnant, he and his grandmother came along. He has obviously bonded with the other students, and I'm sure they enjoy having time with him since many of them are away from their spouses and children for at least three months.

We finished the day with devotions in the lobby of Rennert Residence Hall. Simon shared a devotional message about worry from Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. {7} And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 

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