Monday, February 15, 2016

Doctors Coming and Going, Teaching, Loving

The Students had a wonderful couple of weeks with Dr. Charles and Dr. Jeff.  The team of physicians and nurses from the United States and Canada have worked hard to bring their best in skills and teaching to the Barefoot Doctors.  They would all agree with the Apostle Paul in I Thessalonians 2:8 "Having so fond an affection for you, we were well -pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but our own lives, because you had become very dear to us."  Teaching medicine is an important and practical aspect of the ministry, but sharing lives is the heart of it.  Here is Bolu in his tribal costume saying goodbye and thank you.

Dr. Bjorn and Dr. Jeff show the students a picture
of a young boy who was seen by Khaw Taik.
 His chief complaint was ear pain. Below Dr. Susan, jet lag and all, helps Sarep Pung.
  Dr. Jeff has been very helpful in organizing the case presentations.  The main benefit is hearing the train of thought used by the doctors to come up with a differential diagnosis.  What is the problem?
Does the child have a foreign body in the ear?  Is it a simple ear infection? How did you treat the patient?

 Dr. Jim enlisted the help of Elizabeth to discuss the difficulty of treating high blood pressure as a chronic disease.  The students are not equipped to give long term antihypertensives or to have frequent follow up due to the long distances they travel. Elizabeth gave a report on hydrochlorothiazide and its effect on HBP.  Following this discussion, Dr. Jove  reviewed stroke with the students.  It was concluded that many patients have no symptoms of high blood pressure and they were reminded that the only way to know is to check.  Diet, exercise, low sodium and decrease stress was also reviewed. One student had a patient with a blood pressure over 200 systolic and was apparently in a coma.  It was a good chance to discuss our inability to help everyone, but also to recognize their position in providing end of life care and comfort.

Dr. Susan once again joins the Barefoot Doctor Team.  
The students were so excited to see her again.  Dr. Susan is also engaged to be married
this spring.  She and Nang Kham have a lot in common.  Nang Kham's wedding is March 24th.

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