Well, we have started another week. So much has been going on I don’t know where to start. I guess some of the big things are that I have heard that our dental team has arrived and has been able to get all of their equipment through customs. This is sometimes a huge problem so this has been a big concern of mine. Also, Alice Davis, my fiancé, arrived safely back in San Diego although she is not yet over her jet lag.

Friday we said good-bye to Dr. David Brumwell. He was a big help in emergency medicine issues like starting an IV, Foley catheterization, poisoning issues, and CPR. Dr. Brumwell's picture is on the right.
We are honored to welcome back two icons of the Barefoot Drs. program, Dr. Paul Jones and his wife, nurse Jan Jones. They have developed this program from its infancy up until Dr. Bjorn Nilson and myself took over as Medical Director and Dean of the school three years ago. The Joneses have served in medical missions around the world before committing to build up the Barefoot Drs program many years ago. Dr Jones started teaching last week from his vast experiences in tropical medicine with particular emphases on Malaria and Dengue Fever. He continued that discussion today and added other issues like headaches and Typhus.

We also welcomed our 1st dentist of this class of Barefoot Doctors. Robert Gardner, DDS, started teaching some basic dentistry. The students were furiously writing notes as they have been anticipating this training for two years now. The majority of dentistry will be taught next week with the “mPower” dental team, but today was a good foundation for the students. Dr. Gardner's picture is below.
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