Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Trip to the Farm

Well, it’s another busy week full of interesting teaching. Dr. Dave Brummwell has enriched the students’ knowledge of emergency medicine. Yesterday he discussed the use of tourniquets in starting IV’s. This required the barefoot doctors to combine their knowledge of pressure systems presented by Dr. Luskin with the concept of elasticity and cardiac flow. Understanding how pressure relates to arterial output and venous return will equip the students for improved assessment and treatment.

The students had the opportunity to practice interosseous infusion on chicken bones in lab time after Dr. Brummwell’s instruction. This is a great tool for patients that have such low blood pressure that a vein cannot be located intravenously (IV) for replacement of fluids.

The afternoon was filled with adventures at the Partners experimental farm. Here, the students learned about how they create a farm based in use of natural microorganisms to balance the ecosystem. This system can be used not only in livestock pens but also as a means of making fertilizer and fuel for cooking. We were all surprised to see and smell that using microorganisms decreases odor and the number of flies buzzing about. Not only was this farm more pleasant to be around, it was healthier for the animals. Boon Sang, the gentleman who guided us around, stated that by using microorganisms to make food for the pigs that the protein content is improved to approximately 19% from pure vegetable matter. This is the amount that pigs need to grow healthy. In a growing and “progressing” world it is great to see science being applied to not only preserve but support the natural ecosystem. In addition, this system can all be done in a village and saves money by not having to buy fertilizer or feed.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so very much for these updates. We are also pleased to be in Chaing Mai and out at KLC. Thank you Dr. Nilson and Rick Astobe PT and all who come to teach the BFD's/

    Don & Judy
