Today was the first day of medical training at Kalnin Learning Center (KLC). Both the students and the doctors were excited to get going with this. We spent most of the morning getting to know each other. The doctors introduced themselves and told why they were glad to be teaching this year, then the students got up and told about their villages and the typical diseases and injuries they usually see. We also asked them: "What is the main thing you want to get from the Barefoot Doctor School this year?" It was heartbreaking to hear some of their stories about close family members who had died because they could not get the proper medical treatment. Now their heartache has inspired them to get the training they need.
Dr. Cindy Goldameir, Dr. John Paul's daughter, taught a session this afternoon and Dr. Paul taught one as well. That gave Rick Astone and Dr. Bjorn Nilson time to get things ready for the coming days, since they just arrived last evening. They spent a good bit of time looking through all the teaching resources at KLC, and they even took a box of resources back to their hotel tonight so they can fine tune the next few days of medical training. It was fun watching them explore the resources available.
I enjoy seeing the updates and Clark, the room is looking good. It is nice knowing that the medical training is focused on the actual needs of the students. Still praying for you all. We are expecting more snow tomorrow(poss 5 inches).