Monday, February 17, 2014

Splints, bones, and hop-alongs Feb. 12, 2014

In the morning Dr. Alice Astone and Dr. Susan McDowell discussed differentiating between tissues: muscle vs. ligament. After Lunch, Dr. Nilson discussed how the wealth of a country directly correlates to the life expectancy of its people and their quality of life. Nurse Holly reviewed the morning lesson of “how to move a patient…safely” and how to keep a patient comfortable, clean them and their linens, and how to monitor them closely.  
Dr. Alice discussed the importance of looking at the whole patient for a complete diagnosis. Both she and Dr. Susan taught the importance of knowing when a patient is in distress, and when diagnosing, the importance of knowing the who, what, when, and where of the injury. They also discussed pain, both how it is “tricky” and “can fool you into thinking that something hurts when it is actually something else”, and how it is important to keep injured patients from overusing their injured part. The concepts of RICE was also discussed. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, elevation. 
How to make a sling

Courtesy of Adang’s woodworking skills, the students also got the privilege of learning how to use crutches and canes. 
Adang and the crutches that he made for us

Dr. Alice taught them how to decide proper height and how to tell if the patient needs only one crutch or if they need two. Dr. Susan discussed fractures: how to care for them and how long to wait before they are considered “healed”. Her saying was “think like a dog…if it hurts to much, don’t use it!” The students learned that some weight on the injured bone is good, but too much will reinjure it.
Alice and Lindsey
Learning RICE

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